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Food, Water, Medical, Clothing, Navigation, Fire, Defense, Communication, Trade, lets go through these BRIEFLY!!! many of the things on the list are as much about Moral as they are practical, but moral is very very important in a survival situation

Also worth noting that while Shelter is an improtant section, i've not included it as your question stats low funding. most of the below is fairly cheap in the grand scheme of things. but decent shelter is usally expensive unless you amke it yourself, so while its not emtioned below. Rope or and type of Cordage is always worth carrying a decent amount of.

Food and Water

These go almost without saying, you're not going to set out on a long journey without them, but its difficult to carry 1 months worth, on your back, so you'd likely want to bring the long living staples like, Rice, Pasta, then if you find something on route you can add it for flavouring, but these foods offer densely packed calories but need water... Water you would need various forms of purification.

Its all fine having a Water Purifying Straw, but if it gets lost, stolen or breaks, you're stuffed, so a couple of these along with some purification tablets and maybe knowing a thing or two about purifying water with VERY small amounts of bleach and then filtering would do you fine. a good line of reasoning is 2 is 1 and 1 is none, if you don't have a backup then you don't have any bascially.


Now, its unreasonable to carry an ambulance worth of medical supplies, oxygen tanks and a defibrillator with you, but some bandages, gauze, anti septic and some antibiotics are a good start. the important thing to consider is stopping a small injury becoming a big one. research Immediate First Aid Kit or IFAK, for better details.


Socks glourious socks! you want to change these every day at least if your hiking a lot. but also some spare dry clothes, nothing will sap your energy and moral then finishing a long hike in the rain and then having to sit and sleep in wet clothes and are unable to get dry. things like Trench Foot can quickly become an issue as well.

And of course some waterproof cloths and probably a waterproof poncho for reasons i'll go into later.


Maps and compasses, GPS will eventually stop working unless someone is controlling it, o if its 10+ years into the Apocalypses, and yet GPS still works (if you can charge a unit up at least) then someone somewhere is maintaing the orbits of those sateiltes!!!

So learn to read a map, and use a compass!!!


Yay! Fire! the fun stuff! carry a at least small amount of tinder (not to be used for dating or hookups!) with you, and several ways to light it, and at the very very least a fire steel! lighters run out or stop working when wet, Fire steels don't.

Then all you need to do is practice and learn how to build a decent fire. and these slides nicely into the next section...


Drawing attention to yourself isn't that much of an issue today, but in the apocalypse someone might want your stuff, so a big smoke trail leading up from your bonfire is probably going to draw attention. whether is good or bad... that's unknown.

So to be safe you'll be wanting Knives and Guns and Rocket Launchers and... oh... what do you mean you've been crushed under the weight of it all...

There are a million different websites and blogs out there as to the best knife or gun for this situation, i'm not going into it here, all i will say is that being able to reuse ammo is a big benefit, so Bow and Arrow, or Slingshots are genuinely good options if not for a primary defense then as a backup. i don't want the comments section exploding with "why didn't you recommend X, Y or Z gun instead of A, B or C

But... This is not just about people, or even animals, this is also about the environment, remember that waterproof poncho I mentioned earlier, open it up and use it as a temp shelter is a very good defense against the wind and rain. a good sleeping bag is good defense against the cold. think along these lines.


Carrying a radio without anyone to talk to seems pointless doesn't it? well maybe not. think about it, you've come across a small town... can't tell if anyone lives there so you stroll in and get shot... or maybe just robbed and run out of town.

OR, you get close, stay hidden, and turn on your PMR radio, the type that uses the same channels that all shop bought PMR radios use, then you just scan through a few times, you might pick up some people talking to each other. its not a given, you could miss it or they don't have radios, but why not take a few minutes to check first. you'd still approach the town with caution but you might get a hint before exposing yourself


This is an odd one, but cigarettes and small bottles of alcohol are worth their weight, people will trade useful items or food for a pack of smokes if they haven't had any in a while. decent strength alcohol can be used to sterilize wounds but also for trade if needs be.

Ok... so this is an INCREDIBLY brief list, and yet its massive hope it helps