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  • Forum Code of Conduct and Posting Rules
    Started by Admin
    Read 5,240 times
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Code of Conduct

**Notice - This forum is open to guests to see, it is one of the few areas open for them. Use the Groups threads if you wish for something to be private in nature. **

In general, please be civil. This forum is provided for the community, and we hope everyone will be welcomed. We value the opportunity to talk directly to our like minded folks, and ask that the site and all community members be respected. Thanks for joining!

There are specific posting guidelines below we request members adhere to when posting. Violations may result in account sanctions, including temporary and permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation. The Admin exercise full discretion to determine whether or not a post is appropriate, and reserve the right to edit, delete, ban and/or take other action without warning against any content posted on the site. A ban or temporary ban of a user will be the decision of the Administrator. We also reserve the right to edit this Code of Conduct at any time.

# No Spam. Comments posted repeatedly in a thread or multiple threads on the same topic, links unrelated to the thread subject and other actions deemed spam by the forum administrator will be deleted.

# No Flaming. Comments deemed as abusive, offensive, trolling, obnoxious or provocative will be deleted without warning. No grandstanding to make a point with one in the audience of all; use PM's to debate the content.

# Copyrighted materials posted illegally, pornography, nudity, offensive racist in content, etc. will be removed.

# Please try to stay on topic in that particular thread.

# No advertising. Please do not post threads designed to drive traffic to another site for the purpose of promotion.

# Use the PM feature where appropriate. Please do not engage in private discussions or extended conversations better suited to PM, chat, email or the phone on the public forum.

# No ban evasion or multiple accounts are allowed.

Definition of Flaming: Flaming is a hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.  Sometimes, flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority  over other users. Other times, a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree.

Definition of Trolling: Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness.

Definition of Grandstanding: To perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience. Make a personal attack on one in front of an audience.

If you feel that a violation of these rules has occurred or have a dispute with a fellow member or action taken by the administrator, please contact the admin.

The following guidelines are not all-inclusive and may not address all manner of inappropriate behavior. Items may need to be added in the future.

Please remember that you must always treat others with the same respect and courtesy you would wish to receive.

We urge all users to treat others as they would like to be treated and enjoy being part of our community.

If you feel a rule or conduct should be added, please PM The Admin!

If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

TriState Survival Community

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Code of Conduct

**Notice - This forum is open to guests to see, it is one of the few areas open for them. Use the Groups threads if you wish for something to be private in nature. **

In general, please be civil. This forum is provided for the community, and we hope everyone will be welcomed. We value the opportunity to talk directly to our like minded folks, and ask that the site and all community members be respected. Thanks for joining!

There are specific posting guidelines below we request members adhere to when posting. Violations may result in account sanctions, including temporary and permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation. The Admin exercise full discretion to determine whether or not a post is appropriate, and reserve the right to edit, delete, ban and/or take other action without warning against any content posted on the site. A ban or temporary ban of a user will be the decision of the Administrator. We also reserve the right to edit this Code of Conduct at any time.

# No Spam. Comments posted repeatedly in a thread or multiple threads on the same topic, links unrelated to the thread subject and other actions deemed spam by the forum administrator will be deleted.

# No Flaming. Comments deemed as abusive, offensive, trolling, obnoxious or provocative will be deleted without warning. No grandstanding to make a point with one in the audience of all; use PM's to debate the content.

# Copyrighted materials posted illegally, pornography, nudity, offensive racist in content, etc. will be removed.

# Please try to stay on topic in that particular thread.

# No advertising. Please do not post threads designed to drive traffic to another site for the purpose of promotion.

# Use the PM feature where appropriate. Please do not engage in private discussions or extended conversations better suited to PM, chat, email or the phone on the public forum.

# No ban evasion or multiple accounts are allowed.

Definition of Flaming: Flaming is a hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.  Sometimes, flamers attempt to assert their authority, or establish a position of superiority  over other users. Other times, a flamer is simply an individual who believes he or she carries the only valid opinion. This leads him or her to personally attack those who disagree.

Definition of Trolling: Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness.

Definition of Grandstanding: To perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience. Make a personal attack on one in front of an audience.

If you feel that a violation of these rules has occurred or have a dispute with a fellow member or action taken by the administrator, please contact the admin.

The following guidelines are not all-inclusive and may not address all manner of inappropriate behavior. Items may need to be added in the future.

Please remember that you must always treat others with the same respect and courtesy you would wish to receive.

We urge all users to treat others as they would like to be treated and enjoy being part of our community.

If you feel a rule or conduct should be added, please PM The Admin!

If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

TriState Survival Community