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  • An Overview, Lay of the land here at TriState Survival 5 0 5 1
  • An Overview, Lay of the land here at TriState Survival
    Started by Admin
    Read 6,012 times
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Here is a run down/an overview of functions in the site to get you off and running.

First - probably worth a big note that we built this site to be different than the rest out there. We built things here to not only address the serious things were engaged in, building up, learning, etc.. but we also believe in tapping into our competitive nature, our social being, and our different facets of who we are. That will come apparent as we start breaking it down below for features and functionalities of this community. We do take privacy and security very serious here, that's why most of the below can't be seen by guests or lurkers. It's easy to add a whole bunch of stuff to a website, but we actually deleted stuff if it compromised a members security or privacy. OK, let's take a look:

Used Facebook, Twitter, Google or Open ID. If you used one of these to sign up and don't want that account name used as your screen name, go to account setting's in your profile and change your screen name to what is desired. Your screen name is used all over the site as who you are.

Your Profile & Security. This one is really important, we did some heavy modifications so you can set how much or as little for other members to see. Make sure you go through it well on items like notification settings, buddies, alerts, your wall, profile cover, and all the other settings to share or not. PM the Admin for any questions or concerns you have, we will get you the right answers.

New Members: Make sure to make a post in the New Members/Introduce Yourself Forum. We would love to say hello to you.

Resources. These are open to all, including the stuff we have coming in from around the web like news, crises alerts, family events in your area, economy news around the web, etc... If it's popping up on the web, we brought it here for a one stop shop of interest for the like minded folks. We even opened up our games for guests if they want to play as part of their down time too. Some pretty good classics in there to, just saying.

The Forum. Just like any forum out there, a place to post things into the community for assistance, questions, general chat and everything else. Please note - the forum is one of the few items open to the public/guest view. We need everyone to be aware of this.

Groups. You can join any group of interest that is public. Private groups created by our members, you will need to request to join. Any member can create a public group or private group. Guests cant see anything by the groups either. This would be your place for events, your own threads, files, etc..  Start your own by interest's, by areas, maybe a small charity community group, the options are limitless.

Activity Wall. That's your quick glance, see what's going on across the forums and groups your apart of or participated in. Think of it as a quick newsfeed to get to whatever part of the site that took up your interest. An internal quick glance tool for our members.

Events. A community calendar of the stuff going on here or out in the public.  Best way to do this is to make a post in the forum, then link it to the calendar, set the dates and date ranges. Others can now see it, and may come to that cookout, camp out, county fair, sat chat session online, a poker night, etc..

Invite Others. You have the ability to invite your peeps right from the site, you can use several share buttons, link directly and send an email right from posts themselves. Of course we encourage friends of friends.

Reactions. In the forum, this is your community rep. People can give positive or negative reactions, bad advice, good guidance, etc... Maybe your behavior or good advice and discussions get a lot of reactions. We look at it as the community decides your reputation value from their perspective.

Chat Rooms. This one is feature rich. Our rooms have doodle boards, voice responding, files, audio file shares, a ton of cool little things. A place to hang out, unwind and chat about anything under the sun with other like minded folks around you. Gotta check those out.

The Poker Tables. These have up to 10 seats each, a no limit Texas Hold em game. All for fun, no real money people, LOL. Just a place to unwind around a table and BS with other folks. We will and encourage you as well to post some times so others would know when the folks are there. There is another thread for your own groups table or chat room that can be created.

Gallery. This is where you can post pics and have discussions not shown in the forum about something like a how to, or brag on your chickens, etc.. If you post that link in the forum, guests won't be able to access it for those convo's on a project, a brag, etc..

Downloads Once you go through and see what we and others have provided, maybe you have some stuff for fellow members too. Caring is sharing. Nothing like a good book, a prep list or a new manual that is out there.

OK, now some more community fun stuff we think makes us a bit different than the others sites out there....

So, we looked at this as three different parts of what makes up a prepper or survivalist. First is the battle/protector and their journey in the chaos or wastelands. Second is the prepper mindset of their inventory/preps and stuff they earned. And to add to those, your reputation in the community. You should think of this as two pockets of Bullion. One is your rep, battle character upgrades, experience, etc.. The other is straight Bullion you earned in your community work (posting, likes, reactions, replies, etc, etc..); yours to spend how you see fit.

Battle Land. This is your journey through the Zombies, Monsters and battling other members here. You have your attack, defense, health, stamina, energy, etc.. to maintain with everything in the chaotic mess. Top it off is the forks on the road with those scenario questions thrown at you. If your killed, your buddies can also bring you back from the graveyard so hope you have friends here. Bullion (aka Gold) will be given to you every now and then to maintain your journey without dying, so make smart purchases with it in Barter Town. The object here is not only to make it through the battles and journey but to keep raising your stat points, levels, experience ratings, member and monster slay counts to make it easier in the journey as you progress forward. The stronger you are and become, the easier the battles and journey to come. Campaigns and Quests will be announced with time frames to them. Like battle for the power plant, the city mall, the city of Columbus or Indianapolis, etc..  The "how to play" tab will spell out more details. Under your profile tab is your Battle Profile.

Outpost 21. You earn Bullion in the forum from posts, replies, your rep, polls. This is your work in the community, helping, being a part of it, etc.. Outpost 21 is a wasteland outpost to buy the preps/inventory. Like any outpost in the chaos world, it has some gambling to win more Bullion for more stuff. You can even give your preps or Bullion to another member there; if you lost a bet, a poll, a game of poker, etc... The Outpost even has a bank protected by the best soldiers of the old world; why you ask? People in the wasteland/on the roads get robbed all the time. Hate for you to wake up (or login one day) and all your Bullion are gone: robbed you were? Stop by for more details. Under your Profile Tab is your Inventory list.

Group Add On's. We like groups, after all that is what it will be when the SHTF. So, we have the ability to help make your own group  Poker Table and/or Chat Room for your group if desired. We'll just name those requested as your group name and you would go to when meeting up with your folks. PM the Admin for details and to start your request.

Wall of Fame. Well, every community needs a wall on who the best battler, highest kills, most money, preps, posts, etc, etc.. is and why. So, this is where we post those recognition moments of our members, we like to call it the braggers wall. Many reasons someone in the chaos can be noted in the wall of fame; maybe even been killed themselves the most. LOL. Check it out.

TriState Chess Club We created a club so our like minded folks can play with othet local like minded folks. Chess is a fan favorite with so many folks. We went with ChessBase.com. A free service for people to create an account and then play at the TriState Survival Club page. Check it out when folks post days and times to play in the calendar.

Members Blogs. We support folks that are writer's, teacher's or just want to be a voice to the world. So we created a Blogging site our members can start they're own. Separate from this forum so they can share their own blogs with anyone. Video blogs, articles, so may features. Check it out for yourself.

Site Email - For Active Members. As a bonus because we support privacy and security of our members; we will give a our active members a YOU@TriStateSurvival.com email. How it works is you have to hit the member stage in your status (50 posts or more). You can request it. We will send you the online submission link; no vulgar names or profanity type, we will approve it. That will give you a site email address to use for anything. PM the Admin for more details or if you hit the Member status and want one.

Not every function or item in the community but that should give a good view of it. Welcome to Tristate Survival.

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Here is a run down/an overview of functions in the site to get you off and running.

First - probably worth a big note that we built this site to be different than the rest out there. We built things here to not only address the serious things were engaged in, building up, learning, etc.. but we also believe in tapping into our competitive nature, our social being, and our different facets of who we are. That will come apparent as we start breaking it down below for features and functionalities of this community. We do take privacy and security very serious here, that's why most of the below can't be seen by guests or lurkers. It's easy to add a whole bunch of stuff to a website, but we actually deleted stuff if it compromised a members security or privacy. OK, let's take a look:

Used Facebook, Twitter, Google or Open ID. If you used one of these to sign up and don't want that account name used as your screen name, go to account setting's in your profile and change your screen name to what is desired. Your screen name is used all over the site as who you are.

Your Profile & Security. This one is really important, we did some heavy modifications so you can set how much or as little for other members to see. Make sure you go through it well on items like notification settings, buddies, alerts, your wall, profile cover, and all the other settings to share or not. PM the Admin for any questions or concerns you have, we will get you the right answers.

New Members: Make sure to make a post in the New Members/Introduce Yourself Forum. We would love to say hello to you.

Resources. These are open to all, including the stuff we have coming in from around the web like news, crises alerts, family events in your area, economy news around the web, etc... If it's popping up on the web, we brought it here for a one stop shop of interest for the like minded folks. We even opened up our games for guests if they want to play as part of their down time too. Some pretty good classics in there to, just saying.

The Forum. Just like any forum out there, a place to post things into the community for assistance, questions, general chat and everything else. Please note - the forum is one of the few items open to the public/guest view. We need everyone to be aware of this.

Groups. You can join any group of interest that is public. Private groups created by our members, you will need to request to join. Any member can create a public group or private group. Guests cant see anything by the groups either. This would be your place for events, your own threads, files, etc..  Start your own by interest's, by areas, maybe a small charity community group, the options are limitless.

Activity Wall. That's your quick glance, see what's going on across the forums and groups your apart of or participated in. Think of it as a quick newsfeed to get to whatever part of the site that took up your interest. An internal quick glance tool for our members.

Events. A community calendar of the stuff going on here or out in the public.  Best way to do this is to make a post in the forum, then link it to the calendar, set the dates and date ranges. Others can now see it, and may come to that cookout, camp out, county fair, sat chat session online, a poker night, etc..

Invite Others. You have the ability to invite your peeps right from the site, you can use several share buttons, link directly and send an email right from posts themselves. Of course we encourage friends of friends.

Reactions. In the forum, this is your community rep. People can give positive or negative reactions, bad advice, good guidance, etc... Maybe your behavior or good advice and discussions get a lot of reactions. We look at it as the community decides your reputation value from their perspective.

Chat Rooms. This one is feature rich. Our rooms have doodle boards, voice responding, files, audio file shares, a ton of cool little things. A place to hang out, unwind and chat about anything under the sun with other like minded folks around you. Gotta check those out.

The Poker Tables. These have up to 10 seats each, a no limit Texas Hold em game. All for fun, no real money people, LOL. Just a place to unwind around a table and BS with other folks. We will and encourage you as well to post some times so others would know when the folks are there. There is another thread for your own groups table or chat room that can be created.

Gallery. This is where you can post pics and have discussions not shown in the forum about something like a how to, or brag on your chickens, etc.. If you post that link in the forum, guests won't be able to access it for those convo's on a project, a brag, etc..

Downloads Once you go through and see what we and others have provided, maybe you have some stuff for fellow members too. Caring is sharing. Nothing like a good book, a prep list or a new manual that is out there.

OK, now some more community fun stuff we think makes us a bit different than the others sites out there....

So, we looked at this as three different parts of what makes up a prepper or survivalist. First is the battle/protector and their journey in the chaos or wastelands. Second is the prepper mindset of their inventory/preps and stuff they earned. And to add to those, your reputation in the community. You should think of this as two pockets of Bullion. One is your rep, battle character upgrades, experience, etc.. The other is straight Bullion you earned in your community work (posting, likes, reactions, replies, etc, etc..); yours to spend how you see fit.

Battle Land. This is your journey through the Zombies, Monsters and battling other members here. You have your attack, defense, health, stamina, energy, etc.. to maintain with everything in the chaotic mess. Top it off is the forks on the road with those scenario questions thrown at you. If your killed, your buddies can also bring you back from the graveyard so hope you have friends here. Bullion (aka Gold) will be given to you every now and then to maintain your journey without dying, so make smart purchases with it in Barter Town. The object here is not only to make it through the battles and journey but to keep raising your stat points, levels, experience ratings, member and monster slay counts to make it easier in the journey as you progress forward. The stronger you are and become, the easier the battles and journey to come. Campaigns and Quests will be announced with time frames to them. Like battle for the power plant, the city mall, the city of Columbus or Indianapolis, etc..  The "how to play" tab will spell out more details. Under your profile tab is your Battle Profile.

Outpost 21. You earn Bullion in the forum from posts, replies, your rep, polls. This is your work in the community, helping, being a part of it, etc.. Outpost 21 is a wasteland outpost to buy the preps/inventory. Like any outpost in the chaos world, it has some gambling to win more Bullion for more stuff. You can even give your preps or Bullion to another member there; if you lost a bet, a poll, a game of poker, etc... The Outpost even has a bank protected by the best soldiers of the old world; why you ask? People in the wasteland/on the roads get robbed all the time. Hate for you to wake up (or login one day) and all your Bullion are gone: robbed you were? Stop by for more details. Under your Profile Tab is your Inventory list.

Group Add On's. We like groups, after all that is what it will be when the SHTF. So, we have the ability to help make your own group  Poker Table and/or Chat Room for your group if desired. We'll just name those requested as your group name and you would go to when meeting up with your folks. PM the Admin for details and to start your request.

Wall of Fame. Well, every community needs a wall on who the best battler, highest kills, most money, preps, posts, etc, etc.. is and why. So, this is where we post those recognition moments of our members, we like to call it the braggers wall. Many reasons someone in the chaos can be noted in the wall of fame; maybe even been killed themselves the most. LOL. Check it out.

TriState Chess Club We created a club so our like minded folks can play with othet local like minded folks. Chess is a fan favorite with so many folks. We went with ChessBase.com. A free service for people to create an account and then play at the TriState Survival Club page. Check it out when folks post days and times to play in the calendar.

Members Blogs. We support folks that are writer's, teacher's or just want to be a voice to the world. So we created a Blogging site our members can start they're own. Separate from this forum so they can share their own blogs with anyone. Video blogs, articles, so may features. Check it out for yourself.

Site Email - For Active Members. As a bonus because we support privacy and security of our members; we will give a our active members a YOU@TriStateSurvival.com email. How it works is you have to hit the member stage in your status (50 posts or more). You can request it. We will send you the online submission link; no vulgar names or profanity type, we will approve it. That will give you a site email address to use for anything. PM the Admin for more details or if you hit the Member status and want one.

Not every function or item in the community but that should give a good view of it. Welcome to Tristate Survival.