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  • Create an Event in The Calendar
    Started by Admin
    Read 729 times
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Hello all...

Lets talk about how to create an event in the calendar. Doesn't matter what type like a poker night, chat night, prepper show, etc..

To do this, first you create a post in the forum. Type in your info of it, add pics to spice it up, day, time, etc..

Then after creation, go to the bottom of the post and click on the button "Link To Calendar". You then post it to days and time for it to show on the website calendar.

See below demo to see it as well.

Thank you,


Hello all...

Lets talk about how to create an event in the calendar. Doesn't matter what type like a poker night, chat night, prepper show, etc..

To do this, first you create a post in the forum. Type in your info of it, add pics to spice it up, day, time, etc..

Then after creation, go to the bottom of the post and click on the button "Link To Calendar". You then post it to days and time for it to show on the website calendar.

See below demo to see it as well.

Thank you,
