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  • Add a Chat Room or Poker Table to your Group
    Started by Admin
    Read 565 times
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Hello all...

For those Group Owners or facilitators that want to add a chat room or a poker table to your Group page, please PM the Admin to get started.

Chatroom - We will create one with the name you choose. It will show up in the chatroom list to all. You would then post in your group events or threads when your all going to meet up. Posting there is private unless you belong to the group.

Poker Table - we can make a sit and go table or make a tournament for your group. Share the name of the table in the list to post in your groups threads, events calendar, etc.. These at 10 seat poker tables for your group and a handy broke button to get more if needed. You will find that in your profile when broke.

See attached examples on what that would look like and contact the admin if interested in the add-ons.

Thank you,


Hello all...

For those Group Owners or facilitators that want to add a chat room or a poker table to your Group page, please PM the Admin to get started.

Chatroom - We will create one with the name you choose. It will show up in the chatroom list to all. You would then post in your group events or threads when your all going to meet up. Posting there is private unless you belong to the group.

Poker Table - we can make a sit and go table or make a tournament for your group. Share the name of the table in the list to post in your groups threads, events calendar, etc.. These at 10 seat poker tables for your group and a handy broke button to get more if needed. You will find that in your profile when broke.

See attached examples on what that would look like and contact the admin if interested in the add-ons.

Thank you,
