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  • After latest realignment moves, which other schools will the Pac-12 try to scoop up?
    Started by Admin
    Read 405 times
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After latest realignment moves, which other schools will the Pac-12 try to scoop up?

The league wants to be known as the "best of the rest" outside of the power four leagues. So which other schools fit the bill? What kind of ripple effect will this all have on college sports?

Source: After latest realignment moves, which other schools will the Pac-12 try to scoop up?

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After latest realignment moves, which other schools will the Pac-12 try to scoop up?

The league wants to be known as the "best of the rest" outside of the power four leagues. So which other schools fit the bill? What kind of ripple effect will this all have on college sports?

Source: After latest realignment moves, which other schools will the Pac-12 try to scoop up?


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